Looking to get rid of fat?  At Elite Beauty Toledo, we offer both Coolsculpting and Tickle Lipo, which both reduce fat…but what’s the difference?
Coolsculpting involves using a technology that freezes a person’s fat under an applicator and Tickle Liposuction actually involves using a canula under the skin and the fat is sucked out of a person’s body (liposuction).  Who’s most appropriate for which technology?  Well, we offer a free assessment of a potential patient to determine which procedure is most appropriate!  “For the most part I would say that if you are 10-15 pounds overweight or in that neighborhood, or if you have an area of fat that you want removed that is in a targeted area, then Coolsculpting is probably the best procedure for you.  Coolsculpting is going to remove about 20-30% reduction in the treated area.  Whether or not one or more treatments to an area is needed will be determined at the time of the consultation,” says Dr. Jack Siebenaler, MD at Elite Beauty Toledo.
Tickle liposuction on the other hand is more invasive and is probably more appropriate for someone with multiple areas that need to be treated.  Dr. Siebenabler states, “I would also say that the results are more dramatic.  People who are more than 20-25 pounds overweight and more will be appropriate candidates for Tickle Lipo.”  Tickle Lipo can truly change someone’s appearance drastically, and Dr. Siebenaler is also trained in 3D sculpting, with the ability to give extreme definition to a patient (such as a six-pack abs).   At Elite Beauty Toledo, we perform all Tickle Lipo procedures under Ultrasound, which means that Dr. Siebenaler can accurately see where fat needs to removed and the liposuction is performed with extreme precision.  Since the patient is awake with local anesthesia, they are able to converse and know every step of the procedure.
The downtime with a Tickle Liposuction procedure is usually about a day or two.  The downtime with Coolsculpting is very minimal, with most patients returning to normal activities as soon as they leave our office.  Your consultation will determine which treatment is the best for you.   We are experts in doing both Tickle Liposuction and Coolsculpting, and we even have dual sculpting capability so that your Coolsculpting experience will take half the time.
Call Elite Beauty Toledo today at 419.214.1870 to schedule a FREE consultation, where our experts can assess you and find out if Coolsculpting or Tickle Liposuction is best for you!